Green Entrepreneurs in Action learning materials

Together with our partners CESIE – Italy, Magenta – Spain, Business Development Center Kragujevac – Serbia and Family and Childcare Centre – Skopje branch – North Macedonia we have finished the learning materials for aspiring entrepreneurs (PR1) and the teaching guide for youth workers (PR3). The learning material contains a series of good practices collected from partner and other European countries.

The two materials are complementary and aim to offer support to different target groups: aspiring entrepreneurs, NGO workers, educators, trainers, business facilitators for learning and teaching basics of green business. Moreover, the training guide offers tips and tricks as well as different tools to teach the topic to Roma youth or youngsters from vulnerable communities.

The main goal is to enable young Roma and non-Roma from disadvantaged communities to learn about green entrepreneurship, the latest technologies in green business and apply their knowledge in developing sustainable businesses with impact in their communities. The project aims to capacitate the young people with entrepreneurial and digital tools for boosting their capacities to do business in the green sector.

The two materials are in the resource section of the GEA platform.

The project is funded by the European Union through the Erasmus+ programme. The Erasmus+ 2021-2027 “Enriching lives, opening minds” is developed through the EU programme for education, training, youth and sport, and places a strong focus on social inclusion, the green and digital transitions, and promoting young people’s participation in democratic life.

#GreenEntrepreneursInAction #Erasmus+ #EnrichingLives #OpeningMinds #GreenTransition #GreenBusinesses
